Learn How to Do Ruff Mining in One Minute (applicable to both PC and mobile phone versions)

Ruff Chain
4 min readApr 30, 2021


Preparatory Work 1: Fox Wallet

Use the Google Chrome browser to install the MetaMask wallet. The installation tutorial can be found at: https://www.yuque.com/hyperbc/kb/swe4ox

Remember: Make sure to save the mnemonic code (take a screen shoot or copy it down)

Preparatory Work 2: Because BXH is the DEX platform on the Huobi ecochain, we need to configure the Huobi ecochain in the fox wallet. Click the Fox icon in the top right corner of the browser to create or import an Ethereum wallet and adjust it to the Heco wallet format.

Preparatory Work 3: (If you don’t have Ruff tokens, you can directly exchange for and purchase them on www.bxh.com. If you have RuffChain tokens, please refer to this step.) Because RuffChain tokens are the mainnet tokens and cross-chain security audit with Heco is ongoing, you cannot directly transfer them from Huobi to the Heco address. You need to withdraw RuffChain tokens from Huobi into the Ruff wallet on the PC side first, and then put the tokens into the Heco wallet. The specific operations are as follows: 1. find the trading pair of Ruff on Huobi, and buy Ruff tokens; 2. log into the official RuffChain website (www.ruffchain.com) and select Explorer.

3. Click Log in at the top right and select to create an account

4. Enter password, click Download KeyStore and keep your private key properly

5. After entering the wallet, copy the wallet address and withdraw Ruff tokens from Huobi Pro into the wallet

6. After Ruff tokens are withdrawn into the wallet from Huobi Pro, click “Transfer to Heco”, fill in the Heco wallet address, enter the quantity of Ruff tokens to be sent, and reserve 0.1–1 Ruff token as gas fee. After completing the above operations, click Confirm

7. Confirm the transaction and click “Confirm” after no error is found

8. After confirmation, wait patiently for a few seconds for the system to perform the operation. After it is sent successfully, the status will be displayed as Checking. Then, you need to wait for manual confirmation of the transaction, which usually takes 1–10 minutes. If you make a transfer during non-working hours and the transaction fails after a long period of time, please contact our staff to provide hash or txid. Our staff’s WeChat account is: RuffChain.

Mining Step 1: Click the collection address, and recharge the HECO CHAIN RUFF, USDT and HT (HT is used as handling charge)

Mining Step 2: Enter https://bxh.com/#/ Connect your wallet and click [Liquidity Mining]

Mining Step 3: find [Ruff/USDT] in [Innovation Zone], and click [Liquidity Fund] to enter the liquidity provision page

Approve token,Fill in the quantity of Ruff tokens to be pledged, and click [Continue]

After receiving the pop-up window again, click [Continue]

Then, you will receive a pop-up window to pay HT handling charge, and click [Continue]] to complete.

Mining Step 4: View liquidity rewards

On the home page of the official website, click [Liquidity Mining] to enter [Innovation Zone] and click [Pledge] to view mining rewards

The operating steps for the mobile terminal are the same as those for the PC terminal: log into https://bxh.com/#/, click [Pool], as shown in the figure below:



Ruff Chain

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